Lawn Disease & Insect Prevention Dallas
One of the questions that we are often asked is “what is the best way to avoid lawn diseases and deterioration?” The answer to this is simple: The most practical way of ensuring your lawn avoids unwanted diseases is to implement a maintenance program. Our lawn maintenance company will first determine what the problem or potential issue is, then formulate what the best course of action is to address the problem. Moreover, we will figure out how to eliminate unwanted bugs and insects that could cause harm to your lawn, and prevent them from returning.
Lawn disease identification, prevention, and treatment are very important as many turf diseases can damage or kill turf grass very quickly. Experience and knowledge in identifying and treating these diseases are crucial because if misdiagnosed or improperly treated the problem can be worsened.

Prevent Disease & Insects Before They’re A Problem
Prevention is the best way to keep biting lawn insects and lawn diseases away. We’ll investigate the source of your patchy lawn and recommend a treatment plan based on our findings. Below, is a list of common lawn pests and why they’re a problem
- Chiggers: Chiggers are tiny, 6 legged creatures that grow up to become a mite. Chiggers are often found in tall grass and weeds or near wooded areas. Their bites cause severe itching.
- Ticks: A tick is a small, blood-sucking mite. Ticks are also vectors of numerous diseases that can be transmitted to humans.
- Army Worms: Army worms are the caterpillar stage of a moth that feeds on turfgrass and can heavily damage or kill your lawn. Army worms in large infestations can wipe out large areas of turf grass in a matter of days and should be treated as quickly as possible.
- Bag Worms: A bagworm is a plant-feeding larva that lives in a silk sac covered with plant debris. They often hang from the plant-like ornaments. They are often destructive to evergreen trees but are often found on other plants as well. If bagworms go untreated they will heavily damage and even kill the tree or shrub.
- Grasshoppers: Not only are grasshoppers annoying, but they do serious damage to plants and shrubs. Heavy grasshopper infestations can literally wipe out entire landscapes in a matter of days.
Brown Patch Disease Control
Your lawns beauty can quickly be destroyed by brown patch, a serious fungal disease that can affect all Texas lawn grasses. It develops rapidly when temperatures are warm and humid, especially during fall and winter. Warm-season grasses like St. Augustine, Raleigh, Bermuda and Zoysia are most commonly affected by brown patch disease. Brown patch usually causes thinned patches of light brown grass that are roughly circular in shape. When disease conditions are favorable, large areas of the lawn may be uniformly thinned and eventually killed. We offer a treatment program to control brown patch disease with regular applications which will vastly improve your lawn’s appearance.
Our technicians are knowledgeable and experienced in the identification of lawn diseases such as brown-patch, gray leaf spot, bi-polaris leaf spot etc. We also have extensive experience in identifying and eliminating common lawn pests like army or bagworms, fire ants, ticks, chiggers and grasshoppers. If the lawn around your Dallas area home is suffering, give us a call and we’ll send one of our lawn experts to diagnose and treat your yard.
Collin County / Dallas County / Denton County / Hunt County / Rockwall County
Our expert team is dedicated to transforming your outdoor space, delivering professional care and expertise that will make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood.

Weed Control
We have 8 steps designed to keep your lawn green, healthy, and virtually weed free all season.

Trees & Shrub Care
We have 8 steps designed to keep your lawn green, healthy, and virtually weed free all season.

Grub Worms
We apply an insecticide to your entire lawn to prevent a grub worm infestation.
Customer Reviews
Abracadabra is a family owned and operated business serving the Collin County, TX area. We are proud to serve our community for all of their lawn pest, fertilization and weed control needs. See what our happy clients have to say about us!